Hair Masterclass - Basic Course

Hair Masterclass - Basic Course is designed to equip learners with the essential skills needed to diagnose and manage various hair disorders. Covering common causes, diagnostic techniques, and treatment options for both scarring and nonscarring alopecias, this course will enhance your clinical proficiency in addressing hair loss and its underlying factor

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Learning Objectives

The participants would be able to: 

  • List common causes of hair loss (focal vs diffuse hair loss).
  • Differentiate sudden and gradual hair loss.
  • Understand various dermoscopic findings in the evaluation of hair loss.
  • Evaluate scarring and nonscarring alopecia.
  • Understand the use of minoxidil for the treatment of alopecia.
  • Understand various systemic treatment options for alopecia.
  • Recognize the common and unique genetic and environmental factors that may cause the different subtypes of cicatricial alopecia.
  • Effective management of FPHL (Female pattern hair loss), FFA (frontal fibrosing alopecia), and CCCA (central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia) in your clinic.
  • Determine how and when to safely and effectively prescribe oral minoxidil, 5 alfa reductase inhibitors, anti-androgens, PRP, and hair transplants in both nonscarring and scarring alopecias.